Have you been watching Marie Kondo lately? She’s probably one of the most famous people on Netflix right now. Not only is she great at de-cluttering and helping you find your joy, but she’s really good at helping people maximize living in small spaces.
How does she do it?
Step 1: She has you go through your clothes! Yikes…this one scared us too. Who wants to get rid of the Chicago Bulls windbreaker jacket from 1998? It might go back in style one day soon! Ok…probably not, but it might be sentimental anyway. Marie says don’t get rid of things just to get rid of them. Hold each item and find out what sparks joy for you. If you find joy in that item, keep it!
Step 2: Start going through papers and books. This is probably one of the harder things. We never really know what papers we might need in the future. A lot of accountants and legal consultants will tell you to keep anything financial or legal for 7-10 years, but even that can add to the filing cabinets causing an overflow! Lucky for you, there’s a pretty popular thing these days called Google Drive. Anything that you need to keep but may not be that personal – work on scanning it in and categorizing it. Isn’t it easier to find documents once they’re digital anyway?
Step 3: Go through the tedious areas of your home (rental, duplex, apartments included). Whether this is your kitchen or garage, go through each drawer, cabinet, closet or pantry one by one until you have made your way through your home. The more you do this, the less emotionally attached you’ll find that you are to each item. Do you have something like grandma’s china you really don’t want to part with because it’s special? Then dust it off and use it on a regular basis. If you find joy in it being stored away, imagine the joy you’ll find when you use it daily!
When living in small spaces, it can be especially challenging to make it feel like home. Whether you live in an apartment, duplex, single-family home, or townhome, you can de-clutter your space and personalize it to feel like home. It will just take a few steps from someone who really knows what she’s doing!